A professional diagnostic company, specialized in molecular diagnostic kit for livestock.
The business group under BIS Group Co.,Ltd was established as a distributor of livestock products such as vaccines, feed additives and raw material. Gaining popularity and a large number of customer feedback, BIS group got the concept of expanding business to support livestock health and support laboratory work by founding Pro Test Kit Co.,Ltd.

Pro Test Kit Co., Ltd., a company distributor of completed food safety Test kits, the field of Food & Feed Safety and Environmental Safety. We offer a broad range of product kits for Food Pathogens, Allergens, GMOs, Mycotoxins, Veterinary Drugs Residues and Animal Species. under the brand Eurofin Technologies. In additional We are leader to provide easy-to-use Animal Health monitoring system for the Poultry and Swine industry. under the brand Biochek from the Netherlands